Affordable Life Insurance Protection for Your Family

Can I Buy Life Insurance on My Dad?

How to Buy Life Insurance on Your Father


Are You Wondering If You Can Buy a Life Insurance Policy on Your Dad?

Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Dad?

If you have an elderly father who is on a fixed monthly income you may be wondering if he has enough money saved to pay for the cost of his end of life expenses, including funeral and burial costs; as well as, hospital bills. 

And, you may also ask yourself if you can buy life insurance for your father?

The answer is "YES", you can.

Many adult children purchase life insurance plans for their parents to make sure there is no financial stress in paying for their father or mother’s funeral and burial expenses.

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Did You Know the Average Cost of a Funeral and Burial Expenses is Around $7,700?

It may be a lot more than you expected. When you add up the cost of a funeral, memorial service, burial plot, headstone, flowers, and casket it can easily exceed $7,000.

That’s why it’s important to plan ahead. 

Whether your dad is 70, 75 or over 80 years old, it’s not too late to get a life insurance plan for him that can help provide funds for the family to make sure your father has the dignity of a nice funeral and burial.

In fact, there are even guaranteed approval plans available which means you can get life insurance on your dad even if he has health problems, and he can’t be turned down for coverage.

These plans are called "Guaranteed Acceptance" and they will accept anyone who meets the age requirements. 

Some insurance companies provide guaranteed approval for people ages 45 to 85.

And, there’s no hassles of a medical exam or having to answer questions about his health. 

With guaranteed coverage, your father will not have to take a physical exam and he won’t have to answer any health questions.

You may choose from $2,000 up to $25,000 of life insurance on your dad, and the beneficiary can use the money as they choose.

If you buy life insurance on your father, you can name yourself as the beneficiary, or someone else, and the beneficiary would receive the death benefit proceeds from the life insurance policy upon your dad’s passing.

The proceeds from the life insurance are free from federal income tax.

And, you can use money from the life insurance policies to help pay for your parent’s burial, funeral, casket, memorial service and other final expenses.


In order to buy life insurance on another person you are required to have an "Insurable Interest" in the person you want to insure.

Insurable Interest exists between parents and their children, spouses, family members, and business partners, among others. 

Basically, insurable interest means you stand to lose financially if the person you wish to insure dies, or you rely on that person for some means of financial support.

Since insurable interest does exist between parents and their children - YES, you can buy life insurance on your parents.


In order to purchase life insurance coverage on your parent or parents, you may or may not need the following:

  1. Your parent’s permission.
  2. Your parent’s signature on the application for life insurance.
  3. Your parent may need to answer some health questions.


However, there are some life insurance companies that may allow you to buy life insurance on your parent without your parent's knowledge.


Common Reasons to Purchase Life Insurance on Your Father 


  1. To cover cost of their final expenses
  2. To replace your parent’s income for the family
  3. To provide for your surviving parent’s retirement
  4. To pay off debt
  5. To pay off mortgage loan
  6. To provide for your child or grandchild’s education


Factors to Consider When Buying Life Insurance for Your Dad


  • Age – People age 45 to 85 may qualify for a guaranteed issue plan.
  • Amount of Coverage – Purchase from $2,000 up to $25,000 of life insurance.
  • Insurance Carriers – Some of the leading guaranteed issue insurance companies include Mutual of Omaha, Metlife, AARP/NewYork Life and Colonial Penn.
  • Graded Death Benefits – There is limited coverage the first 2 years you are insured, then you have full coverage.
  • Level Premiums – Premiums are guaranteed never to increase. 
  • Level Benefits – Life insurance death benefit is guaranteed never to decrease. 
  • Permanent Life Insurance – Guaranteed Lifetime protection.
  • Cash Value – Builds cash value inside the policy, from which you may take a loan


No matter what type of illness you have, if you meet the age requirements, you may purchase guaranteed acceptance life insurance.


 Life Insurance Quotes


Top Pick – Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply online now. START HERE to get a FREE Quote.

  • Your life insurance policy comes with a 30 day Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee


Highly Recommended – Met Life

MetLife offers guaranteed acceptance final expense life insurance for people age 45 to 75. Choose $2,500 up to $20,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $10 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down.

Can I Buy a Life Insurance Policy on My Adult Child?

Can I Buy a Life Insurance Policy on My Mom?

Life Insurance for Seniors Age 50 to 85

Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Dad?

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