Affordable Life Insurance Protection for Your Family

Guaranteed Life Insurance for 45 Plus

Is There Life Insurance for People Ages 45 and Over?

Yes, in fact, people between the ages of 45 to 85 can get life insurance with guaranteed approval.

Guaranteed issue life insurance plans offer seniors a way to get insured without having to take any physical examination or answer any questions about the status of their health.

Top Pick – Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply online now. START HERE to get a FREE Quote.

  • Your life insurance policy comes with a 30 day Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee

There are many life insurance carriers that do not offer guaranteed approval life insurance coverage because of the risk of insuring people with health issues.

However, if you’re age 45 or over, and looking for guaranteed issue coverage, you should consider a guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance policy.

Here’s Why:

Some life Insurers are willing to insure people who may not be in good health, because they can limit their exposure, by offering graded death benefits the first two years you are insured.

The face value (amount of insurance) available with guaranteed issue policies usually ranges from $5,000 to $25,000, so it should be enough to cover funeral and burial expenses, and other basic end-of-life costs.

Since the face values are smaller, premiums charged for a guaranteed policy are usually smaller, and may be more affordable than you might expect.

The death benefit from a guaranteed approval plan is paid out to the beneficiary (which you choose) in a lump sum, so your beneficiary can spend the money on whatever he or she sees fit.

Qualifying for a guaranteed acceptance insurance policy is much easier than for fully-underwritten life insurance plans. There is no physical examination required, and you won’t have to answer any health questions.

Basically, if you meet the age requirements, and can afford to pay the premium, you can get insured.

Many people age 45 and over, looking for guaranteed insurance may suffer from heart disease, diabetes, renal failure, obesity, COPD, emphysema, cancer and other major illnesses for which they may be unable to get fully underwritten life insurance policies, or if they do get offered coverage, the monthly premium is very costly.

However, there are insurance companies that offer life insurance with guaranteed approval at rates that may fit your budget.

If you are age 45 or over, you can even get insured with a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy, regardless of your current health condition.

Guaranteed Acceptance Features


  • No Medical Examination
  • No Health Questions Asked
  • Up to $25,000 of Coverage
  • Available for People Ages 45 to 85 (50-75 in NY)
  • Builds Cash Value Inside Your Policy

Can I Get Life Insurance for My Spouse, Too?

Yes, if you are married, you can buy a guaranteed life policy for your spouse.

What If I Change My Mind After Buying Coverage?

Your guaranteed issue insurance policy comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. That means, you have 30 days to return your policy and get a full 100% refund of all premiums paid.


Life Insurance Terms to Know


Whole Life – Usually cost a bit more than term policy as coverage last for the whole life of the insured. Policy builds cash value. Premium does not increase.

Guaranteed Approval Insurance – A small life insurance policy (sometimes referred to as a Final Expense Policy) for which the death benefit is paid to the insured’s beneficiary upon the death of the insured. There is guaranteed approval for anyone who meets the age requirements.

Graded Death Benefit Policy Limitations – The insurance company grantees to accept all policy applicants of age 45 to 85. The company makes this possible with a Graded Death Benefit Limitation.

During these first two years, the policy pays 110% of total premiums for non-accidental death. Full Death Benefit any time after the first 2 years for non-accidental death. (Full Death Benefit is paid at any time for accidental death).

Life Insurance Coverage (Face) Amount

The proceeds of a guaranteed life insurance policy are generally used to pay for burial and funeral expenses, and other final expense bills.

The typical coverage amount is usually $10,000 to $20,000. However, we have insurers that offer up to $25,000.

There are no restrictions on how the beneficiary can use the death benefit funds. 


Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Ratings 

A+ Superior Ratings with A.M. Best Company, Inc. for overall financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations.

What is the Best Life Insurance for Seniors?

A Whole Life Insurance Policy – Your policy will never cancel because of your age. Your Monthly Premium will never increase. Your policy Always Build Cash Value for borrowing or surrender.


Senior Life Insurance with No Health Exam


Depending on your age and medical conditions, some life insurance companies may not provide coverage or charge a high premium cost for their whole life policies.

However, our A+ Rated life insurance carriers will provide you with low cost life insurance coverage (With No Medical Exam) up to age 85.

Senior Life Insurance Coverage for People Ages 45 up to 85


Most Life Insurance companies have a cut off age of 80.

Our A+ Rated life insurance carriers will provide you with life insurance coverage even if you are 85 years old.

We can get you a Whole Life Insurance Policy with No Medical Exam.

Many People Age 45 to 85 Need Life Insurance for the Following Reasons:

  • To Replace Income
  • To Pay Off Medical Bills
  • To Pay for Final Expenses
  • To Pay Off Credit Card Debt
  • To Provide for Spouse’s Retirement

Whether you are healthy or ill, you’re over age 45, or you have been turned down for life insurance from other insurers, you can get insured.

Life insurance with guaranteed acceptance is available for people age 45 to 85.


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