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Is There A Medical Exam Required For Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Is There a Medical Exam Required for Guaranteed Life Insurance?

When discussing life insurance, the topic of medical exams often arises.

Many wonder, "Is there a medical exam required for guaranteed life insurance?"

The short answer is No, there is generally no medical exam needed for guaranteed life insurance.

This type of insurance, also often referred to as guaranteed acceptance life insurance, is one that indeed offers a guaranteed acceptance for ages 45 to 85, without the need for a medical exam. This feature makes it especially suitable for individuals who may have faced health conditions or diagnoses that could prevent them from acquiring other forms of life insurance.

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Now, suppose you have health issues, or perhaps you recently received a health diagnosis which caused you to think more about your future, your loved ones, and possibly final expenses. In such scenarios, guaranteed life insurance without a medical exam could be a beneficial and comforting avenue to examine.

Guaranteed Life Insurance vs. Term Life Insurance with No Medical Exam

In comparing guaranteed life insurance with no medical exam to term life insurance with no medical exam, it's essential to consider the following key elements: the maximum amount of coverage available, the ages for approval, health requirements for approval, pricing, duration of coverage, and the length of time to get insured. For such life insurance, these factors can vary significantly between companies and policies.

Maximum Amount of Coverage Available

Firstly, the maximum amount of coverage available in guaranteed (permanent) life insurance policies is comparatively smaller than term life insurance policies with no medical exam. Typically, such policies can offer up to $25,000 of insurance coverage, while term life insurance with no medical exam can provide up to $2,000,000 of coverage for healthy individuals aged 20 to 65 years.

Age Requirements for Approval

Secondly, guaranteed life insurance with no medical exams can approve coverage for individuals aged 45 to 85, whereas no exam term life insurance tends to restrict coverage until 65 years of age. The approval for this latter policy also entails answering some health-related questions.

Health Requirements for Approval

The health requirement is another discerning factor. Guaranteed life insurance can be considered a "no questions asked" policy as it does not interrogate your health history. However, this is not the case with term life insurance, as it asks some health-related questions, even when no medical exam is needed.

Cost of Guaranteed Life Insurance

From a cost perspective, guaranteed life insurance policies can often be expensive compared to term policies. The reason is that insurers take on more risk due to the absence of a medical overview or any health questions. However, for individuals grappling with severe health issues, this might still represent a worthy sacrifice for the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are covered. Request a FREE Quote.

Duration of Coverage

In terms of duration, guaranteed life insurance provides lifelong coverage, while term life insurance provides coverage for a fixed period, like 10, 20, or 30 years. The lifelong coverage feature of guaranteed life insurance can act as an effective way of managing final expenses and ensuring that your loved ones are not financially burdened.

Length of Time to Get Insured

Lastly, regarding the time taken for approval, guaranteed life insurance usually has a quicker approval process due to the lack of health verification. Within a few days, you can be confident about your life insurance coverage. However, term insurance policies might take more time due to the underwriting process considering your health questions.

Graded Death Benefit for Guaranteed Life Insurance

The idea of no medical exams or health quizzes might appear appealing, but potential policyholders must be aware that guaranteed acceptance life insurance notably comes with a "graded death benefit." For typically the first two years of coverage, if the policyholder passes away from natural causes, the beneficiaries receive returned premiums plus 10% interest rather than the full death benefit. Accidental death is usually fully covered from the first day of the policy, though.

Premiums Never Increase

Moreover, premiums for guaranteed life insurance are fixed and remain the same for your life. This rate security allows you to budget with the knowledge that your premiums will not increase as you grow older or your health condition changes. Get a FREE Quote.

Is Guaranteed Life Insurance Right for You?

Securing a guaranteed life insurance policy with no medical exam can bring peace of mind not only to you but also to your family. It ensures that in the event of your death, your loved ones have the financial assistance they need to pay off debts, cover living expenses, or fulfill other financial obligations.

It would be remiss, however, not to note that guaranteed life insurance with no medical exam may not be the right choice for everyone. Especially, significantly healthy individuals may find term life insurance with no medical exam more cost-effective and better meeting their needs.

From the perspective of someone who's been declined life insurance before or those considered high-risk, guaranteed acceptance life insurance can appear as a light at the end of the tunnel. A policy with no medical exam or health questions can provide a somewhat comforting layer of security in an uncertain future.

Regardless of the type of life insurance examined – guaranteed or term quotes are always a sensible starting point. Online platforms make it simpler than ever to acquire quotes from multiple insurance companies in minutes. Thus, allowing a potential policyholder to compare prices, coverage, and other pertinent policy aspects effectively.

Yes, the topic of mortality is not the easiest to discuss. Still, when it comes to making provisions for your family's financial security after your death, it becomes an essential conversation. And determining how to handle final expenses, whether through saving or insurance, is part of that discussion.


In closing, remember, whether you choose a guaranteed insurance policy with no medical exams, or a term life insurance policy with no medical exams, your decision should depend on your health condition, age, financial situation, and overall life goals.

The key is to be well-informed, so using your newfound knowledge about the requirements for obtaining guaranteed life insurance, you can confidently navigate your future. Don't leave the decision to the last minute; tap into your courage, and let's plan so your loved ones won't have to foot the bill.

Guaranteed Life Insurance Quotes

Top Pick – Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply now. START HERE to get a FREE Quote

  • Your life insurance policy comes with a 30 day Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee

Highly Recommended – Gerber Life Insurance Company

Gerber Life Insurance Company offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 50 to 80. Choose $5,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $17.69 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply now. Get a FREE Quote.

Additional Resources:

Is There a Medical Exam Required for Guaranteed Life Insurance?

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